We have finally started development on a game that's been in the freezer for a while; Hive Mind. It's an RTS/Defense game with basic resource gathering, combat and building. The game is set on an alien planet and the player controls a "Queen" alien creature that must protect it's power source by building a hive and cloning itself to create defensive units. Each of these actions cost resources, which can be gathered by killing enemies.
"They mostly come at night. Mostly."
We have been wanting to do a game more complex than Trump Jump and Sketcher-D for a while now, but since SnöBox Studio only consists of 3 people at the moment, it's been hard to see a larger project through to the end. What we're hoping to do this time is make an alpha version of the full game, scaled back slightly to include only the main features of the game, and release it on free platforms such as here, obviously, Kongregate, and Armor Games. If we get enough interest from the free version (and enough money to pay our programmer) we have lots planned for the full version of the game, which we would like to release on Steam.
We will be looking for testers to try out the game and give us feedback, as soon as we have our first full alpha build. But if you'd like to get in on the ground-floor, I'd like to extend a special newgrounds offer:
To become an alpha tester,
1. Message me or comment on this post with your name and Twitter handle, then like SnöBox Studio on Facebook and Twitter (don't just like/follow then unlike/follow - I'm watching).
2. Message me or comment on this post with your name and donate to our Patreon page.